Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are fat freezing, radio frequency, and ultrasound cavitation?

Fat freezing, also known as cryolipolysis, is a non-surgical body contouring treatment that uses controlled cooling to freeze and eliminate stubborn fat cells.
Radio Frequency (RF) is a non-invasive treatment that uses heat energy to stimulate the production of collagen, resulting in a tightening and toning of the skin.
Ultrasound Cavitation is a non-invasive treatment that uses high-frequency sound waves to disrupt fat cells, resulting in a reduction of fat.


2. How does the fat freezing process work?

Fat freezing works by exposing fat cells to extremely cold temperatures, causing them to crystallize and eventually die. The body then naturally eliminates these dead fat cells through its lymphatic system, resulting in a reduction of fat in the treated area.


3. How long does a fat freezing treatment take?

Each fat freezing treatment takes about one hour per area.


4. Is fat freezing painful?

Most patients experience little to no discomfort during the fat freezing procedure.


5. How many fat freezing treatments will I need?

The number of treatments needed varies depending on the individual and the amount of fat to be removed. Your professional will be able to give you a better idea during your consultation.


6. What results can I expect from fat freezing?

You can expect a reduction of fat in the treated area, leading to a slimmer, more contoured appearance.


7. What should I expect during a radio frequency treatment?

During a radio frequency treatment, a handheld device will be used to deliver heat energy to the deep layers of the skin and underlying fat, causing the tissues to heat up and stimulate the production of collagen.


8. Is there any downtime after a radio frequency treatment?

No, there is no downtime or recovery time required after a radio frequency treatment.


9. What results can I expect from radio frequency?

You can expect a tightening and toning of the skin, as well as a reduction of stubborn pockets of fat.


10. How does ultrasound cavitation work?

Ultrasound cavitation works by generating high-frequency sound waves that penetrate the skin and disrupt the fat cells, causing them to release their contents and shrink.


11. Is there any downtime after an ultrasound cavitation treatment?

No, there is no downtime or recovery time required after an ultrasound cavitation treatment.


12. What results can I expect from ultrasound cavitation?

You can expect a reduction of fat in the treated area, as well as an improvement in the appearance of cellulite.